Tuesday, June 7, 2011

with 2012 approaching..

cited from the scientific american, here are "12 events that will change everything". some of the events include: nuclear exchange, creation of life, fusion energy, and cloning of a human. which event do you guys think would be most catastrophic? let me know and i will get back to you in the comments!


  1. Human cloning is upon us, and like it or not, it'll slowly make it's way into acceptance both socially and scientific. Whether or not you agree with it, the same opposition and concerns met stem cells, abortion, organ transplantation, blood transfusion, corrective surgery, etc. Despite public disapproval, new technology will keep creeping into our everyday lives until the point where opposition is negligible.

  2. Most "catastrophic"? Well, anything that shakes people's perceptions on "God's power"- IE, creating life- is bound to cause a whole range of problems for a lot of different followers of faith. I wouldn't be surprised if leading scientists were harassed, assaulted, maybe even a couple killed.

    Scary stuff to think about. Good stuff, man.

  3. AnonymousJune 08, 2011

    I'd love it if someone actually created life in our lifetime.

  4. Well I dunno about catastrophic but... Room temperature semiconducters will revolutionise EVERYTHING. Following.

  5. i think that cloning of a human will be the worst part, since its so many sideeffects to make it work

  6. AnonymousJune 08, 2011

    A lot of ppl missunderstood the Mayan prediction for 2012. It is not the end of the world what they predicted, they only said that we will eneter a new era and I believe that we will, since a lot stuff happended already in 2011. I think that we will become more aware of each other.

  7. Synthetic Biology. I love stuff like that, and the fact we can already grow meat in labs. Incredible!

  8. ALl of them could turn out pretty disastrous, but some mainly because of the publics reaction than the devastation caused.

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  9. Its the end of the world every other day in every religion. Stop worrying and keep buying stuff.

  10. Does creation of life imply the synthesis of organic material from aboitic compounds? Thats pretty cool right there. I think fusion energy would change the world the most because energy a huge problem and fusion would solve so much of it.

  11. I think one world government will be the sign of apocalyse. Illuminati yo

  12. Room temperature superconductors--holy shit.

  13. I don't think any of those will be catastrophic...
    They will make the world a much better place. :)

  14. Awesome article. As a biology major the idea of human cloning is really interesting to me. Especially the whole ethical aspect involved in things like this.

  15. Interesting link, artificial life is the most important I would say.
